Volunteer for the Event

Thank you for considering volunteering for Friday Harbor Bike Fest. The event crew is a fun-loving group dedicated to making the world a better place. There are a wide-range of jobs that need to be performed. You do not need to be a Lion to volunteer!

Please note:

  • Volunteers must commit to a 2-4 hour shift.
  • All volunteers must participate in a volunteer meeting prior to the event. There will be several meetings focused on specific parts of the event.
  • We welcome high school students! The San Juan Island Leos Club will be participating. No grade-school students below high school please.

If you are interested in volunteering, please enter your information below. You will receive a confirmation email when you register your interest. We will contact you 1-2 months prior to the event to discuss volunteer opportunities. At that time, will be asking for your commitment to volunteer. We will depend on the commitments our volunteers to host a successful event.

Volunteer for Friday Harbor Bike Fest!

15 + 7 =

Premium Sponsors

Super Supporting Supporting Around Town Sponsors

Thank you for your support!